The Tortoise Issue 9


These are turbulent times, but while these crises are unprecedented for humans, turtles have seen far worse. Political upheaval and deregulation may be new phenomena, but these reptiles survived the late-Cretaceous asteroid impact that wiped out the dinosaurs. They have proven their resilience again and again over millions of years, and this issue of The Tortoise is a celebration of their adaptability as well as the conservationists, artists, and scientists who have devoted their lives to protecting turtles and tortoises. From the forests of northern Florida to the veldt of South Africa, from the rivers of Australia to the beaches of Mexico, this issue highlights some of the world's most dazzling rare species and the unique challenges they face. This issue also pays tribute to some of our heroes, past and present—luminaries including Homero Aridjis, as well as the late Peter Pritchard and Margaretha Hofmeyr—giving us insight into their vital work. 

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  • CORONAVIRUSES, ANIMALS, AND US - How saving wildlife can save human beings from zoonotic diseases

  • FIRE DOWN BELOW - Meet the conservationists who rescued Australia’s rarest river turtles from devastating wildfires 

  • WATER WORLD - Florida’s stunning, turtle-rich springs are experiencing a rapid transformation 

  • PLUS: Peter Pritchard, poet and activist Homero Aridjis, Robert Rauschenberg’s tortoise companion, and Turtle Conservancy projects around the world

Turtle Conservancy members can expect their copies to arrive very soon! If you are not already a member, consider becoming one to enjoy the benefit of receiving The Tortoise every year. Past issues are also available at our online store.