The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has proposed federal protections for both species of western pond turtle (Actinemys marmorata), namely the northwestern pond turtle and the southwestern pond turtle, under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). These turtles, residing across several states in the western U.S., are facing threats from worsening drought conditions, habitat loss, fragmentation, and predation by invasive species. The Service's decision to list them as threatened under the ESA is based on a Species Status Assessment, indicating their increasing risk of extinction due to population losses and reduced genetic diversity. A 4(d) rule is also proposed, allowing activities like wildfire suppression, habitat restoration, and non-native species removal that support turtle conservation…
Poached Turtles Returned Home
Wildlife Trade Update
The Turtle Conservancy continues to assist the US Fish and Wildlife Service in triage management of confiscated turtles and tortoises from the illegal wildlife trade. In total, the Turtle Conservancy has taken in over 100 animals in 2018. The majority of which are U.S. species being exported to Asia…